Plagiarism Checker
Check the uniqueness of your student's essay work.
Step 1: Given that you had created an essay-type question.
Step 2: Go to the Check Submission button.
Step 3: View the essay-type question.
Step 4: Click on the Check Plagiarism button below the essay question.
Step 5: Choose the "Check base on web" to check plagiarism based on published articles.
Step 6: Kindly wait for it to process completely until the result appears.
a. Click on the Check Plagiarism button.
b. Sample result for purely originally written.
c. Sample result for answer with copied sentences from published articles.
Click on plagiarized sentences to check sources.
Word limit: 4,000 words
Minimum words: 50 words
Maximum words: 5,000 words
Step 7: For AI checker, choose "check base on AI generated".
a. Click on the Check Plagiarism button.
b. Sample output with an answer from ChatGPT.
Note: Yellow highlighted words mean the answer is from ChatGPT.